Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Best area to live in Atlanta?

Me, my wife, and two young children are going to be moving to Atlanta for a new job! YEAH! PAY RAISE! ;) I will be working downtown. I would like have a 30 minute commute or less (if possible, I do not know Atlanta well or it's traffic), and am looking for a nice, yet affordable area to get a house in. We are planning on leasing a house for a year to get to know Atlanta, then buy once we get to know where we want to live in permanently. I am going to Atlanta in a week to look for a house, but don't know which suburbs to look in. I would like to have 2 or 3 areas nailed down to look in, as I will not have time to look in every suburb while I am there for 3 days. Help from those that live there would be AWESOME! Thanks in advance!

What is this strange video on youtube, and why is it so scary?

It is called "obedece a la morsa" - translated literally means 'due to the walrus'. I watched this video once and thought it was quite funny and curious, but then I watched it again and I have not slept in 35 hours... Seriously, what is it? Is it some sort of subliminal message or something?

Compaq Presario CQ60 Blank screen! HELP!?

hmm well if everything boot up correctly...and your lcd is still blank your inverter or backlight is dead...have it check with a laptop technician.

How do you gain self confidence?

I'm 22 and I have no self confidence. I'm constantly worried about what others will think of me and I'm not even in highschool anymore I shouldn't still feel this way. I'm waay to sensitive. When I go out in public I'm always worried I'm gonna run into somebody from my past and they are gonna see how fat I've become or that they will some how find out that I'm not doing much with my life. I'm always worried about meeting new people too because I don't want tthem to pick up on how I'm socially awkward and I just have the fear of rejection. When im. Around people and try to talk I fumbIe my words because I'm so nervous my mind goes blank and I don't know what to say.i feel this way around my closest freinds too. How do I love myself? I've tryed telling myself but I just don't believe it its not helping. What do I do?

Getting ads with Google results?

So for the past month or so, when I use Google and try to follow the link to the first few results I actually get sent to an ad page, sometimes it's just blank, other times it isn't. I don't blame Google, my friend actually told me that it was adware or spyware or some such. Now, I already have AVG (antivirus software) but obviously it isn't blocking the problem. Any recommendation on what I should do?

Do i have any errors on my essay? my teacher don't want us to use the words- is,am,are,was,were,be,being,th…

In the 3rd paragraph you say : "while war exist" its supposed to be while war existS. then you say "witch transforms.." its WHICH transforms. then you say "That are soilders" you said that you couldn't say "ARE" you also say "be" somewhere and more... have someone on your family check it..

Is there something about this song that I'm missing?

I bought the song 9 Crimes by Damien Rice. It's a cool song and I know it has something to do with cheating...but the album cover has a parental advisory sticker. I don't see that there is anything excplicity wrong with the song, though. Either there are other songs on the album that are explicit and not this one, or the song has some sort of subliminal messaging. Does anyone know?

How do you deal with people who try to get into your head and subliminally manipulate you and others?

Best coping skill for this is to confront him/her directly and call it out. Don't play games, just call it like you see it. And visually keep him in his personal space along with everything he says.

How do the illuminati control people?

I have been researching for a month about the illuminati, but i cant seem to find how Illuminati control people, i know about the pyramid and only showing one eye and subsconcious subliminal messages, but how do the illuminati control our minds, or maybe its just a false rumor?

Is Disney stuff good to watch or have subliminal messages till now?

Again, the classic disney movies and the animated movies they have come out with recently are really great! they show morals and character change.


Hello, my name is zack and i am planning on attending college, conestoga doon campus right off the 401 in kitchener, That being said i live in guelph right along the hanlon near the 401, and am willing to pay up to $80.00 a week for the ride. I currently have a car and was planning on commuting however due to some recent circumstances i may loose the ability to drive to school around november. That being said i am looking to carpool with anybody to this college, or pay $80.00 a week for a ride, and possibly a bit of both. Contact me VIA email at, or 519-362-8795.. i may not be able to attend school otherwise this year. so please it would help ALOT!!!! Thanks, Contact me asap as the college fees are due soon!

Creepy subliminal messages on Comedy Central?

well they are too long and detailed to truly function as subliminal messages. they just things to pause on if you are bored and have sky plus. didnt see the one u talking about though.

What are subliminal messages?

i was looking at youtube videos and i watched something about subliminal messages in advertisment and stuff and i was wondering what it meant? and please not no stupid answers

I am almost going to be 19 and have never had a girlfriend before, how to deal with this minor depression?

Just wait for the right person to come along the road, it may take a while. You can also leave your parents house and move some where else, and to do this, it means save some money up and get a job (if you don't have one). I would definitely suggest getting out of that area though, it will hold you back from your full potential.

Why must Western media be so anti-White (in the name of equality)?

Because the white man is competent so they have to put handicaps on him to try and "equal the playing field".

Jehovah Witnesses, help me?

Jehovah's organization does not commit thievery. Individuals may steal, but such ones are disciplined. It may take time, but remember, Jehovah sees all. It may take years for the deeds of wrongdoers to be revealed, but everything comes out eventually. If you have any questions regarding where something from the watchtower or awake came from, I encourage you to write to the branch. Why not even visit one of our branches and take a tour if you so desire? I actually got to visit Brooklyn's writing department as an unbaptized publisher and was very impressed with how thorough the society's research is. Look, no matter where you go online, you're almost always going to find negative material about Jehovah's witnesses. We as an organization do not have time to sit here and combat every attacking statement someone chooses to make. And frankly, we'd rather spend time teaching others about the good news, which is an upbuilding thing. Why spend time on lies, which are only put out there to tear down? It would be unwise for you to become a baptized witness if you do not understand how Jehovah's people choose to conduct ourselves and why. I encourage you to speak to a baptized brother or sister if you want the other side to the story and the truth about the lies you saw.

What college choice would you choose?

so I applied to 2 colleges on monday, and today one of them offered me a spot in the class. The one that offered me the spot is about 15 mins from my house, which means I could keep my job, live at home, and not have to worry about a busy commute. The other college is about an hr away (if the traffic isn't busy that is, then it can take about an 1 1/2) I could only work on the weekends, and the gas money would kill me because I can't afford to live in that city. the thing is the college that is farther away is one of the best colleges for the course I'm doing, the one close to me is also good, I've never heard anything bad about it. so I'm having a little crisis, because I can't decide which one to go to. what one would you choose?

Is it true that there are subliminal sex messages in Disney movies?

Yes there is sex spelled out on the clouds in the Lion King and a penis in the castle of little mermaid

I want my bf to change so I have been blanking his c�lls is this a bad idea please answer?

He is so horrible to me .. But I don't know why I love him soo much I know its love, last weehe told meto come ove� he sai� he will text me when his ready but he didn't, I don't know why he does this to me. One time he cried and told me he thinks his so horrible to me and doesn't want to forgive himself. Also I found self harming signs on his bod�. I've been. Blanking his calls but I do think he will call agin but I miss him soo mucH what coul� the �eason be?

Alternative student loans. Parents declared bankruptcy and can't cosign. Help?

Unfortunately, most private loan lenders all require co-signers although you could try to apply on your own to see if you could get approved. If your parents apply for the PLUS Loan and are denied due to adverse credit, you can take the denial letter and go to your school and request an additional unsubsidized loan in your name for up to an additional $4,000. I would really weigh my options of staying where you are and completing your degree and transferring to another college. If it's a college out of state, you'll be charged lots of extra tuition and fees because you're a non-resident and if your parents aren't able to help pay for it, you won't be able to get enough financial aid to cover your cost of attendance let alone living expenses. So unless you can borrow on your own credit, I suggest you stay put another year or so to see how things go especially since you're already covered with financial aid.

Good place to live in new york?

Brooklyn Heights is my favorite neighborhood! I lived there on Pierrepont Street and my apartment was the last building right on the Promenade. It's such a great neighborhood...if you can swing it, live there!

Hi is this bike alright for commuting 12 miles a day, 6 days a week, for 8 weeks?

Too big. Too expensive. Single speed bikes are a pain to ride on any kind of hill. This bike is not for you


It's in human nature to be corrupt, being corrupt is how we evolved, because being corrupt gets us things, and things make life easier and often keeps us alive.

What are the lyrics in the background of this song?

oh ... who has "Born To Be Wasted" why to worries abt that... be happy and listen this ...just enjoy that's back ground not the Front ground...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Can you get in trouble for putting subliminal messges in a powerpoint presentation is school?

I have to present my project i put some subliminal messeges like give cortez a 100% and this project is great and hidden satanic images like pentagrams(just for lulz) all my friends think its mad funny if my teacher picks up can i get in trouble?

Question about Auto Loan?

I have a auto loan through Capital One but it states franchised dealer only but a few independent dealers tell me they take the blank checks. How is that possible? is there some way around it.

Lost video icons but videos still play.?

I've been scratching my head for nearly 2 hours now, I got a virus which disabled my anti virus and started deleting all my files until i was left with a blank screen, I rebooted my PC into Safe mode and did a system restore and it returned most of my icons. However, When I browse My Computer and have a look for my films i cant seen to find them anywhere, Ive booted up media player and all my films are still there and playable, a few more of the files are the same, I recently saved a file in photoshop, couldn't find it where i saved it too, then i open photoshop clicked on recent files and it was there in the drop down list and i could open it! So im just missing the shortcuts/icons, I presume that my registry has been loaded (through System Restore) to default, So i tried a different restore point and that didn't work either. I thought i had backed up my registry with CCleaner but i couldn't find that either. Help! I've run out of ideas!!

Why must Western media be so anti-White (in the name of equality)?

It's a well proven fact? LOL! Do you even understand the principles of proof, evidence and logic? Perhaps you should spend a little more time researching how to support an argument before you rant.

Is Dr. Drew For Real, or Part of the Media Establishment?

I have found him to be very much for real. He gives excellent advice, does not show boat like "Dr. Phil," (not a doctor of anything) and certainly personable. He has been around for a long time. I do not see what problem you havgfe with him. GW

Why is my gadgets on my iGoogle blank and not working?

It's been like this for a couple of days and I did see some people saying the same. I mean my list of gadgets are on the left and clicking on them doesn't do anything, trying click on any link actually doesn't do ANYTHING at all. I tried RESTORING in settings but nothing. I tried restoring to June 16th and nothing and I tried changing theme but it's the same. What can I do? Can I do anything or do we have to wait for Google? BTW I just updated to Firefox 5 like 2 days ago I think and many people posted same problems everywhere since 26th as well :/ But not only with Firefox so it's can be that.

Not making money with my graphic design internship?

I started interning for this awesome small design and ad firm earlier this month. However, it doesn't pay. I just graduated from college and in October I'll need to start paying back my loans. I'm spending more money than I'm making commuting to this agency. Idk what to do because I like working there and they even gave me Adobe design software for free but I need to make money because I'm going broke. I applied to some other design jobs/paid internships but Idk what to do if I get the job. What would you do? What do you think?

Cinematography question about the movie hampshire, a ghost story, involving frame rate?

I was wondering about the first set of flashing pictures/ subliminal messages that appear when the couple goes up to the second floor, how fast do you think the frame rate is on thoughs images

What exzactly does subliminal means ?

Implicit. For example, a "subliminal message" is like a hidden message -- it's definitely there, but in such a way that we are hardly even aware of it.

How to burn a dvd after using the decrypter?

So I feel like i'm working in the dark here. After I decrypt a dvd from dvdfab I get a dvd file with a video and audio folder. So after searching and searching so I can just burn this dvd file to a blank disc finally I found a program that let me do this.. but after I got the new copied dvd to watch for myself well it only plays on the computer and none of the actually DVD players. So my question is in detail is there a simple free program that will let me burn the dvd file to a blank disc, that will actually play on DVD players? I dont want to convert the dvd file to a video format then burn it because i'm afraid it'll badly lose quality...

Does the Christmas wreath and Bible picture showing the categories imply Christianity is a myth?

The majority of Christianity is folklore and tales. Myths are for strong and many Gods and Goddesses.

Is it possible to turn my room mate gay via subliminal messages?

Do whatever you want but I doubt you can just turn anyone gay. We are born this way so there is no way to turn someone all of the sudden from straight to gay. Good luck but suffer the consequences later lol

Affordable and safe place to live in London within 40 min commute to Holborn?

wimbledon, maida vale, putney, basically west london if you want safe.... (wimbledon will be easiest for parking it's a little less built up, further out from central but still on the tube or 10-15 mins train to waterloo, then 5 minute bus to holborn)

Im looking for a new conspiracy theory?

OK so I'm a bit obsessed with conspiracy theory's such as "Paul is dead" Illuminati big brother subliminal messages and so on and cant find any more interesting ones any suggestions?

Should I be selfish or selfless in this situation?

I am an incoming freshman attending CSULB and will be commuting from home and I am going out with an incoming senior in high school. I really do like him and he will be gone for 2 months over the summer, so it got me thinking. Senior year for me was amazing. I want him to experience all of it and just have a good time as I did, but I feel like he can't have that if he's with me. I know how he is at school dances. He hooks up with girls and goes to parties all the time. This is the first time in a long time since he's settled down and had a legitimate girlfriend. I'm being selfless in a way that I want him to have fun and do whatever he wants senior year. If he wants to hook up with some random chick, go for it. But if he wants to do that, I don't want him to be in a relationship with me. At the same time, I'm selfish because I want to be with me. I really really like him and I want to think that I'm enough for him. I asked his friends for their opinions and they said that it's up to him, but he's been hooking up and all that for years, so maybe him finally getting a girlfriend means he's ready to stop and settle down for a while. I don't know what to do. I just don't want to tie him down. I want him to have the full experience of senior year, yet I want to be with him. I can't be with him if he wants to be carefree during senior year and do whatever he wants, which includes hook ups. I refuse to get cheated on. I would never cheat on him, so I expect the same in return. I don't know what I should do. Break up with him now [he's on the other side of the country for 2 months] and just be carefree over summer break, or stay with him ignoring the risk factor of me tying him down?

How is it like living in Garland, TX? How are the Schools? (College/HS)?

I will be moving to Garland, TX around Sept. so I just wanted to know how it is like? Is the commute to Dallas, TX okay?

What scary movie is this?

Movie banned from theaters in United States for excessive subliminal messages. It caused some people to hallucinate that a devil/demon was watching or around them

Does anyone know a look alike or who makes this engagement ring?!?

Where can I buy a Surrey Bike or a electric Pedicab?

Those things are very expensive you could buy a nice carbon frame road bike for less and get there much faster and safer.

What to do, They say heartache last for a season ? :(?

were 18 this year. we met last year, we became so close, so close that rumors spread we were going out. around November we distanced (i really like him, he liked me too, but it died out) So i just went with the flow.. around February he started talking to me again and invited me to his mates birthday party. So me and my mate went..he kept flirting with me and we kissed. But after the party he sent me a message saying ''sorry it didn't work out ;) no hard feelings' ''here's a picture.. i was like OUCH :| but i acted cool about it. After i made it clear i wasn't a use and abuse thing, we had an argument where he said some harsh things. After this, i bumped into him a few times where we just blanked each other. I saw him at a university open day on Tuesday..were we both blanked each other but i caught him looking at me a few times. i deleted his number and today i got a text off him saying ''I just been talking to my mate and i think i need to make it clear: i don't like you in that way'' i replied saying ''yhh i know that, i'm over it chill, thanks for the decency though :)' I REALLY LIKE HIM :( do i just leave things now? Never text him, talk to him but if i see him just act normal. Hoping one day things will change, maybe at Uni :(

My built in webcam isn't working?

my laptop is a msi cr600 series, and for some reason the built in webcam just decided to stop working. i can connect the webcam, but it just shows a blank screen. also, the red light that shows you that it has been turned on, does not turn on. what can i do to fix it?

When it comes to wrestling promotion slander, do u think subliminal shots are more effective than direct ones?

Like when Sarita was choking Taylor Wilde on Impact and Taz said" You can get fired from some companys for doing that", is that more of an effect shot than him mentioning the WWE directly? You don't have to base your answer on this example.

My ex is ruining my character?

My ex cheated on me and we broke up months ago.. I tried to be friends but I just couldn't trust or forgive her. Because of that, bad words were said. I called her an insecure, selfish jerk. We just stop talking. I keep getting subliminal messages from her. How bad I screwed up and how I supposedly hate her which I don't. Just totally making the cheating part my fault. I don't know why since everything was good and we wanted to take the next level.. Until she ran off for a week and cheated. Now she'll telling people it was all my fault. It's been months and she's says she's over it but never shut up about it and tellthe truth. What the hell is wrong with her? Will she ever stop?

Printer won't print photos?

i have an HP photosmart c4280 and a lenovo t400 laptop. when i plug the memory card into the printer it prints the photos onto the HP photo paper but when i try to select the photos and print from my computer the paper just comes out blank and it sometimes it cuts off the pictures when i select from the printer directly. please help, thanks

Can i make him want to marry me?

This is between the two of you. Nobody on here can answer this for you. If he doesn't want to get married then you'll have to decide what to do. Can't you just talk to him about it. Sit down or write a note to him and let him know that you really want to be married and with him forevr. Tell him you'd like him to consider it and to let you know why not if he's not willing to do that. You deserve to know where he stands.

My 8 years guy best-friend's new girlfriend hate me and asked him to choose between her and me? :'(?

If it is causing arguments, then you are going to have to respect your friends wishes. Maybe he will break up with her, but he might just marry her. Time to get some girlfriends to hang out with.

What can i put up???????????????////?

around my room. i have abunch of drawings like a human face, bird cage, skeleton girl, hands, etc. stuff like that what can i draw that is stuff like that???and what can i hang up. i have a bunch of newspapers on a blank wall and hanging origami and a mobile<-----stuff that kind of like that please!!!

How do you gain self confidence?

I'm 22 and I have no self confidence. I'm constantly worried about what others will think of me and I'm not even in highschool anymore I shouldn't still feel this way. I'm waay to sensitive. When I go out in public I'm always worried I'm gonna run into somebody from my past and they are gonna see how fat I've become or that they will some how find out that I'm not doing much with my life. I'm always worried about meeting new people too because I don't want tthem to pick up on how I'm socially awkward and I just have the fear of rejection. When im. Around people and try to talk I fumbIe my words because I'm so nervous my mind goes blank and I don't know what to say.i feel this way around my closest freinds too. How do I love myself? I've tryed telling myself but I just don't believe it its not helping. What do I do?

Please help camera problems!!!?

Okay, I was using my little sisters camera when all of a sudden it went blank, like the back light was still on but no picture. So I thought it went dead, so I went and put it on charge. It still wouldn't come on. Then I took out the battery then put it back in where the back light is off. Still won't come on. I still have it on charge but I have no clue what to do. Help!! Or I am dead. Seriously!

Is the media having a detrimental effect on society's mental health?

Over-stimulation, under-education, subliminal advertising and pop-culture. Bad for us, or just the natural progression and development of our group conciousness?

Please help camera problems!!!?

Okay, I was using my little sisters camera when all of a sudden it went blank, like the back light was still on but no picture. So I thought it went dead, so I went and put it on charge. It still wouldn't come on. Then I took out the battery then put it back in where the back light is off. Still won't come on. I still have it on charge but I have no clue what to do. Help!! Or I am dead. Seriously!

How do I switch my ps3 back so it displays in standard definition?

I switched the settings so itd play in hd. But I had to switch it back to a non hd tv and it's just a blank screen and I can't figure out how to switch it back.

Where to live when working near Brisbane?

My family and I will be moving to Australia in the next two months and have still not decided upon an area. My husband has just had an interview for a job in Brisbane Technology Park, ( Eight Mile Plains). Like all Brits, we want a large house with a pool which is close to beach and has excellent schools and community vibe. We don't know anyone in Brisbane so would need to be able to settle in quickly. We don't mind not being in Brisbane but commute to tech park needs to be no more than 45mins. Our kids are 9 & 2 so schools, parks and safety are crucial. We have a budget of around $500pw and we want 4 beds, space and pool - please give me some indication of the areas we could afford.

Which car should I buy?

Alas my beloved VW Beetle is on her last legs :( so the hunt begins for a new vehicle. I like stylish cars but I also like cheap to run cars. I haven't yet found a car which is both. Anyway, I have narrowed my choice down to a few models. If you have experience with any of the cars, I'd be grateful for your feedback. This car will be a second car, my husband had a Nissan Pathfinder which is the family car. My car will be used for a runaround and for my 20 mile round daily commute to and from work. My shortlist: VW Beetle convertible, Alfa Romeo Giulietta, Fiat 500, Suzuki Swift sport, Nissan Leaf and Audi A3.

Do in traffic miles on the highway count towards "highway" miles?

Hi. I've been wondering how good the mileage my 2007 Toyota Camry gets. says it should be getting about 21 mpg in the city and 30 mpg on the highway. But for the most part the only highway miles I put on it are to and from work during rush hour traffic both ways. So I'm wondering if the miles I spend on the highway commuting are actually getting me those 30 "highway" miles or is it closer to the 21 "city" miles since I'm in stop and go traffic?

What's living in Tarzana, CA like?

I've been looking into moving to L.A. and I think I'm close to settling on Tarzana since, according to Google, it's a 24-minute drive to Los Angeles. I know L.A. has crazy traffic, and I was just wondering - for those who live in Tarzana - what the average commute is from Tarzana to L.A. and what the area is like? Any other information is greatly appreciated as well! Thanks! :)

Hysterectomy statistics?

Have you thought of locking on the those sites? At the bottom of the page you can click on any country in the world. Only a doctor in the U.S might know that answer. If it helps, I had one at 35 and now I'm 65 and still kicking.

Are there actually subliminal messages in Diseny movies?

Like, ones that can definitly be proven. I've seen alot of stuff about the word sex being in the sky or the dirt or whatever, but has anyone who actually drew any of those things said anything about or can it be proven other ways?

I have had this bit of a song stuck in my head and I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it?

Yes I know you can type the lyrics in and normally it will come up, but this time I think I have the lyrics a little bit wrong... the person who sings it sing it quickly and almost as if he's grinding his teeth, angry, "oh it tastes like blood you're stabbing me through him you're stabbing her through him," then it get calmer but louder, "of this world," he holds out the word world, "I've had enough of the world," and then I draw a blank. Please help, and thank you!

What are the PROS & CONS of having SPORT BIKE MOTORCYCLE?

There unforgivable. There's not much you can do if you fall. If you want good gas, then go get a prius, regardless if you look like a "fag"

How do you fix the freezing problem on Xbox 360?

When I try to play Call of Duty Black Ops it always freezes and the screen is blank. Also, it doesn't freeze when I play other games. So is there a way to fix it?

What kind of baby doll is this?

I have a Cabbage Patch Kid baby doll that my grandma gave me, and I can't find it on the website. She is about 11 inches long, head to toe, with a closed mouth, a small stubby nose, very round purplish eyes, dimples, and a tuft of red curly hair on top of her head. She has a signature printed on her rear, Xavier Roberts or something, I can't read it. She came with a felt diaper, a one-piece outfit with a bow attached, a plastic pink bottle, a small carrier, a "birth certificate" and "adoption papers", and a fill-in-the-blanks baby book with things like 'my family tree' and similar things. She may have come with other things, I got her a few years ago and I haven't noticed her much until now. What is her "title" or whatever, like original or signature or whatever, and are they still in production? Thank you.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How can I spice up my relationship with my boyfriend?

We've been together for less than a year, we recently moved in together & just got over a difficult time after my miscarriage. I was very moody & a bit depressed during that time. I realize I was wrong for being that way towards him. I feel really guilty. I'm trying my best to let go of the past & get back to making him happy. I miss the old times when we use to go out & have fun. I don't expect things to be the same way they were but I need to do something to change the dynamic of our relationship into something positive. I think it's time, we both deserve to be happy. BUT... My mind is totally blank.. What can I do?

How do you gain self confidence?

I'm 22 and I have no self confidence. I'm constantly worried about what others will think of me and I'm not even in highschool anymore I shouldn't still feel this way. I'm waay to sensitive. When I go out in public I'm always worried I'm gonna run into somebody from my past and they are gonna see how fat I've become or that they will some how find out that I'm not doing much with my life. I'm always worried about meeting new people too because I don't want tthem to pick up on how I'm socially awkward and I just have the fear of rejection. When im. Around people and try to talk I fumbIe my words because I'm so nervous my mind goes blank and I don't know what to say.i feel this way around my closest freinds too. How do I love myself? I've tryed telling myself but I just don't believe it its not helping. What do I do?

Why is the world becoming so revolving around sex?

Im not an old man ranting about how the world has changed, Im a 15 yr old guy. Ive noticed the world is revolving too much around sex. A lot of good stuff is represented as sex. For example a lot of comercials. And what is with Disney's sexual subliminal messages? And now, there are more double sided jokes in children shows. And nowadays most people watch porn too... and some of those people you can TELL their world revolves around sex. But what really made me ask this question is seeing a HUGE, FULL-PAGE AD on the FLASH part of the MAIN newspaper (movies, hollywood, basically everyone reads it. I found this ad while looking for the movie theater showtimes) about a product to INCREASE PENIS SIZE. WTF? Who puts that ad there? That should be in some magazine about that or in a porn site or something, but where basically EVERYONE reads? There is no excuse that that is wrong.

Is WTBS making a run at Fox News with Lopez tonight?

So far he has had three beauty queens on and one can cook and the other talks funny as she is from England.t I believe they are doing subliminal political stuff.

Is living in Chicago nice?

I'm thinking of moving to the Chicago area from the Cleveland area. I've taken a few trips to Chicago and enjoyed it and I really don't like living where I am now. I know about how the weather isn't good in the winter, and I'm used to it, living in Ohio, but besides that, is it nice living in Chicago? Should I live IN the city or a suburb, or would a suburb be too much of a commute? I've heard it's cleaner and less "shabby" than New York, is this true? Thanks

Mytouch 4g youtube help?

Ok so My YouTube on My mytouch use to work fine tll like a week ago it started to take a while for the vid stream i figured it was the connection no biggie, now when i go to watch a vid its blAnk the vid doesnt Show at All, its like a still frame, the stream bar goes Up but the pictures not there and if the the picture Shows Up its a stll frame, the vid doesnt actually play, please help me get it back to normal

What are the best subliminal disses?

I think that kick in the door is pretty good with subliminals and so is watch what you say to me by jay z

Does daily commuter to Canada from US need buy separate Canadian Auto Insurance?

I would call my insurance company before hand and check if there's any extra coverage I needed to buy for your situation, but you only need insurance from the place in which the car is don't need to buy insurance twice.

What is a good video creating program?

you can try Sony vegas pro.. you can even try Adobe after effects for decoration. it all depends on ur knowledge and passion regarding this sort of field. because almost all of these type of softwares are typical and quite hard to use.. but still u can try windows film making.. which is given by default if ur using any of the xp and later microsoft OS.

Boyfriend and relationship status?

Dodgy if you ask me... He wants the best of both worlds. No man should be ashamed to have their girlfriend on their profile.

What is the subliminal purpose of the Tower of Babel?

Well, if I thought I could get a bunch of people together and build a tower leading straight to Paradise, I'd be drawing up plans as we speak.

Girlfriend going to college?

My girlfriend and I have been together a bit over 2 years now, and in September she will be going off to college and I will be a senior in high school. It isn't that far away, about a 45 minute commute by train, but we won't see each other nearly as much as we do now. Also, I will be taking 5 AP classes and playing soccer. She's really worried that we are going to drift apart and I can't blame her because we both know that I'm going to be very busy. I try to be optimistic whenever we talk about it and say that everything will work out, but as it gets closer I'm starting to have doubts. Anyways, we're obviously going to stay together as long as we can and I don't see myself wanting to break up with her but I don't want to drift apart and not be able to make time for her. I really hope that things work out but what do you guys think? It isn't crazy to think that we can stay together, right?

Boyfriend and relationship status?

Dodgy if you ask me... He wants the best of both worlds. No man should be ashamed to have their girlfriend on their profile.

Need help finding a new backpack!?

Im currently a college student and looking for a very stylish and cute backpack or bag to use for my classes. I will have a bit of a long commute, so i am looking for something that is comfortable, affordable, and big enough to shove all of my stuff in. I would rather have a two-shoulder backpack over a bag, but if anyone has ideas please throw them my way! thankss!!

Would you play fill in the blanks, please?

Anybody who would willingly and regularly continue wearing clothes in public if public nudity were legalized is _______.

Taurus man who's in longterm relationship, can I have just a moment of your time please?

When it comes to relationships, I used to think a lot about the compatibility with signs. My boyfriend now, I don't know how compatible we are and I don't care to really think about it because I love him. I would say, don't let astrology get in the way. If you don't want him to go anywhere, tell him. If you want him to be only yours, you have to tell him. And if he doesn't accept it, he's missing out.

How can I create subliminal messages on music?

I have a program called Adobe Audition, and was wondering if there was a way to use it to make subliminal messages on music. If not, is there a way i can make subliminal messages?

Motorcycle in British weather?

i don't think the british weather will be an issue , get good waterproofs (all in one ) it is easy to learn to ride a bike . security use a big chain and at night take the bike out of sight somewhere like a garage , shed or back garden . insurance will depend on your occupation and where you live get a quote on 0800 781 7792

Can an employer refuse to change my working hours to fit round my education?

I am going to university in September but living at home and commuting in. I cannot afford to leave my job as I will need money to commute and have some bills to pay as well. I am only contracted for 16 hours a week but since I be at uni most of the week and don't know when my lectures are, I want to change my hours to weekends or do one day at the weekend and 8 hours over 2 separate nights. I work for the a leading (ish) chain of convince stores in the UK. Can my employer refuse my request?

Why is playing near well sites dangerous?

Water or OIl? Both have heavy equipment, usually in dubious condition, set up by people who are busy and not particularly concerned about your safety. Both use various chemicals, hydraulics and electricity in ways an uninformed person would not expect. Oil wells are capable of venting non breathable and poisonous gases, as well as flammable ones. Under some circumstances both can undermine the ground you are standing on and drop you into a hole that you never even saw. Find someplace else to play.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Island setting suspense movie.. i forgot the title but i think the title is some kind of *blank* island?

the setting was in an islnd..there were group of friends and then they were having a party, and then the lights went off and when it came back there were people hanged dead already. and then they found out that the killer was their friend.. i forgot the title it's some kind of a island..

Beware of coffee heres why?

Man, like awesome i never thought that another person would see the things i have the government man they are pulling the wool over your eyes we should tell people about this and get the word out its not rite man people should not be cappin a chino just cause the man told them to i totally agree with you dude this is not right and they should not hide this **** from us we need to stop it from happening and make sure that people like know all about it dude

Is this even possible? Facial structure change with hypnosis? only answer if you're sure please!?

this is not possible, i have also heard tales where supposedly you can change your eye colour with hypnosis too and it has been tested and proven to be false. you cannot change your facial structure because it is physical not psychological.

Should I just concentrate on my work for now, or should I try to get out and be social?

I moved to a new city a year ago and did the commute back home to see my ex-bf often, which took all of my free time I had for socializing. Now we're broken up, I'm 26 and just took a sweet new job. I'm lonely though, and I'm used to having a lot of friends and dating a lot. I've just been a hermit lately but I'm starting to enjoy being productive at my new job. I've never been like this before and maybe this is just new section of my life happening?

Commuting from Providence//Boston: What commuter rails in boston run after midnight to providence?

My destination is the Paradise Rock Club in Boston, MA to see a concert that starts at 9. I know the concert probably wont be over until midnight at the earliest, and i know some trains stop running well before then. I was planning on taking the Providence Amtrak to the Boston Back Bay station. Then i would take Copley Station to Pleasant Station. The problem is getting back to providence. Is there an easier way to get from providence to the paradise rock club and back? Does anyone who commutes know rails that run after midnight?

Country girl from AL moves to LA,CA aftr 10 yrs lookn 2 settle in GA close to ATL w/teen=good school,safe area?

So I guess wut I need is an economical neighborhood with 500$ a month rent, a good school in a safe neighborhood with good commute to The city for someone new in town who doesn't know their way around. Plse any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thx

What to do if I am shooting Blanks?

Your trying to have a child and you can't even spell "Problem" PLEASE reconsider. For the child.

Subliminal flash..?? Does it work?

That is probably one of the ways to get that other 90% brain to function in more coordinated ways with your conscious level. Or also a way to really mess up any hope of ever being well coordinated and in union on all levels. If you step off into your own way and lose contact with other realities you must also accept the responsibility of what happens to you later when this subliminal programming takes hold and the effects start to manifest. Even the most positive of subliminality can create havoc on a complex and established social equilibrium. So one must know whether one really wants what messing around in the brain and mind can do. I have learned that not all is exactly the same after. Not that that stopped me, but I am a fool and did have the tendency to step out of the mold every now and then.

Tips for a new babysitter?? Please!?

Don't be too stern with them but at the same time they have to respect you. You could make something to eat with them, watch a movie or two or do something like drawing a really big picture. They will robably have all of that stuff at their own house but if you wanted to bring something that you like that they might enjoy aswell, or something that you can do around them while they do their own thing, that would be good too. Just ry to make sure they don't have bruises or are bleeding when the parents get home. And that the house is still in one peice.

I want to go to New York City.?

Well I live in Bergen County New Jersey, and well I want to start visiting the city and I just don't know how to do it, I'm afraid I'll get lost, can someone give me an amateur guide on how to commute. I would like to visit places like the east villiage or the lower east side, little italy. I would like to know how to plan a whole day there.

How can I repair/reinstall windows xp when my comp won't recognize my cd drive?

Yesterday I was trying to burn a DVD and got a few error messages from the program I was using. I tried using a different program and once I had the DVD setup and went to burn it my cd/DVD drive was not there. Looked in "my computer" and it didn't show up there either. Tried ejecting the blank DVD but it wouldn't open. I tried doing a system restore to a week before this problem occurred but it froze halfway through. After about 2 hours I shut the computer down. Now when I restart the computer it makes it to the windows loading screen then goes to a bsod stop error message. I'm trying to repair/reinstall windows(xp) by going to the boot menu when I first turn on computer and having it boot from cd drive before hard drive but it's saying boot device not available. Any help or information on this would be greatly appreciated.

I got a bad speeding ticket, and i believe an early resolution is my best bet......?

Hello, yes i was an idiot, if it makes you feel better there were no trees, no people, no driveways, and i went down a hill accelerating..... through a speed trap, i apparently hit 92 in a 50 km/hr zone. i live in guelph ontario, and i beleive an early resolution is my best chance considering this is my first offence ever.... That being said, id basically talk to the prosecutor one on one and ask if the ticket can be lowered to 29km/hr, basically say that i made a very poor choice, that its my first offence, and that i sure as hell learned my lesson. Also to explain that i need to commute to school and work to pay for my car insurance which is now going to rise. Im 19 and have my g2 that being said my liscence will be suspended if not this opportunity for 30 days. An ex cop that fights traffic tickets recommended this would be my best option, any opinions? I'm honestly not a aggresive driver..... this was a one time thing which is why it upsets me soo much, it was such a stupid decision.

How do you gain self confidence?

I'm 22 and I have no self confidence. I'm constantly worried about what others will think of me and I'm not even in highschool anymore I shouldn't still feel this way. I'm waay to sensitive. When I go out in public I'm always worried I'm gonna run into somebody from my past and they are gonna see how fat I've become or that they will some how find out that I'm not doing much with my life. I'm always worried about meeting new people too because I don't want tthem to pick up on how I'm socially awkward and I just have the fear of rejection. When im. Around people and try to talk I fumbIe my words because I'm so nervous my mind goes blank and I don't know what to say.i feel this way around my closest freinds too. How do I love myself? I've tryed telling myself but I just don't believe it its not helping. What do I do?

Ugh can someone explain what is wrong with this picture (friends)?

I have friend #1 who divorced and single, but very sweet and agreeable. Friend #2 is married but her husband is her whipping boy...meaning he goes along with everything she wants to do and they pretend money and time are no objects...friend #3 is the direct/bossy friend who is married, works full time, goes to grad school, and has two kids. She has high expectations of herself and of everyone else. I am a stay at home mom with two kids and my husband works 60-70 hours a week, one hour away (commute). So friend #3 tries to plan a birthday party for friend #1 (keep in mind she is turning 32 so she's no little kid), but she creates the terms for this party, and it just doesn't work for me because of my family so I suggest different terms. Friend #2 looks like the good guy and says oh yeah I'll do whatever you want! Friend #3 gets mad at me and says we are best friends and we have never thrown a party for friend #1 so she figured we could do it. (None of us have ever thrown a party for any of us so where did that come from?). Friend #2 says oh yeah I agree and I'm down with that. I say well I tried to tell you when and what I could do, but we are still friends and still have quality time together, and isn't that good enough? Ackward silence...

My ex still contacts me when he feels like it shall I blank his calls?

I don't know why but I love him deep done but can't stand him in reality I don't understand why he disappears for abit and comes back. Every time i want to talk to him his always there but I feel that I should blank him. After we broke up I met him a few times went to his house I've never had sex with him as I dnt believe in it before marriage he resp�cts that. This is probly why I can't leave him and move on . Last week he told me to come over and didn't text me when the time came he said he will text when his ready but he didntm a few days later he rang me I didn't answer. I want to move on but I want him to change to and be a nice per�on I kniw he is deep down he rang me and c�ied his hea� out. I d�nt get why he has self harm marks either �nd he is into drugs I want that to change.

Should I transfer colleges or stick it out at my current one?

I need advice because I not sure if I would be making the right decision to choose whether to transfer or not. This fall will be the start of my 5th year at the University of Tennessee at Martin. I was an A,B student back in high school, however, I sank into an apathetic depression for a few years, my grades suffered but not enough to flunk out. In the past year my grades have slowly started improving so I think my academics have finally taken the 180 and are going to be much better then my past experience. The reason I want to transfer though is because I feel like I have missed out on the campus life. In high school I guess you could say I was the stereo type reserved geek, got bullied some but had some friends. After high school I got involved with a different group of friends, I did make some friends at UTM but tended to hang out more with my younger high school friends due to the fact I also commuted 20 min away. It just became very convenient to hang out with them because after all my classes I would go home eat supper to save money instead of buying campus food, then just going into town which was 5 min away and chilling with some friends. Also after my freshman year I started drinking and smoking weed not excessively to become a junkie or anything but the "friends" I did it with ended up taking a tole on my personality. In the long run my self esteem became zero, got into trouble, and just wasted a lot of time. Many people have let me down and I am sick of it and just want to escape. My family will support me no matter what, but since I lost my tn lottery scholarship my freshman year and just been relying on pell grant and student loans, I don't have a lot of money. I have worked jobs off and on but because the way the economy is and case of past bad luck, at the moment I don't have any money besides an partially unused loan that I try not to spend because obviously it's borrowed money. A few months ago I was diagnosed with add, not to be making any excuses but I have a feeling it is why I have been the way I have been. It is part of the reason why I have been reserved, having hardly any confidence to push myself to be more extroverted. Since then I have been taking adderall(although so far I feel this drug has had no effect on me so far), going to counseling sessions, reading online to find ways to improve self esteem like etc. I am 22 now and feel like I have wasted part of my life when instead I could have socially networked with much more people my age that I would surround myself with. Which by doing this would build my character for the better and help me achieve more goals with life. I have never cared for dorms because well I live 20 min away whats the point? I could try to branch out with people here at utm, but because of lack of money, I just go home and don't return back to utm till the next day. Also I wish I could go somewhere where I could start off new where nobody knows me, even maybe join a fraternity. I'm not sure but read that you can get scholarships for transferring. Basically I am unhappy due to my past and present, want to make change but not sure how to exactly, I am tired of looking at guys with hot girlfriend's, huge social circles and just wishing I could be in their shoes. I just want to go to a college that I can finish out within roughly 2 years of my bachelors in computer science, have a supportive job that keeps me on my feet but doesn't hurt my academics(which working too much that has happened to me a few times), get a bigger social life that supports me and builds character and just become a better man.

Why Does He Treat Me Like This? 10 Points?

Well like YA,why are you wasting your time on him.Wake up girl.Move on and find your self someone who wiil take an interest in you.

Only Men: Men ONLY: Why have you texted your ex? IF you broke up and it was over..Be honest......?

A lot of men decide to get back in touch with their ex partner as a way of moving on and creating closure between them in the hope that they can go on to be friends, nothing else, just innocent friendship.

What bike is better?? a Carrera TDF Limited Edition Road Bike or a Carrera Virtuoso Road Bike?

i want a road bike for commuting please help me choose, any sensible answer will be greatly thanked.

Commuting to college freshman year is it gonna ruin my college experience?!?

so i was wondering since im commuting to college which is 30 mins away will i meet less peopple? im planning on joining as much clubs as possible so itll be as if i lived in a dorm with all the social benefits. and if it doesnt workout then sophomore year ill dorm or live apartments nearby.. tell me about your freshman year =)

Need help becoming independent. Suggestions?

To become independent you need to cut off that Siamese twin of yours. You will never truly be alone until you do.

He used to like me and now he ignores me?

theres this guy, he used to flirt with me ALOT in class and he asked for my number...but he has a gf. anyways he used to flirt soo much but then after class when i used to see him in the hallway he totally blanked me. then in class he'd flirt with me again. however, after the 2 weeks holidays he just totally started blanking me. then yesterday in after our exam he was like blanking me deliberately. and today i saw him and he didnt even say hi and was definately blanking me but sometimes i could see him looking at me quickly from the corner of my eyes and he doesnt even act normal around me, he treats me as if he never even knew me :s im so confused.....

What happens if my recipient on a cover letter doesn't have a job title?

Hello, I am writing a cover to an IT job I have all the information I need except the individual persons job title should I leave it blank? The position I am applying for is a Graphic Design position.

If USA is a free country then why does it represent "god" on its currency?

Then don't spend the currency; give it to me. The motto on the currency does not in any way infringe upon my freedom. Since I am not ordered to worship the currency, there is no implication that I believe in God. I am not using it for a religiou purpose. It is simply a medium of exchange for me. For all I care, they can put Sponge Bob on it.

The Pact by Jodi picoult??? (Answer only if you have read the book)?

The "significance" of the paper is whatever you want it to be. That's why the author left it open for interpretation. There's no right or wrong answer. What do YOU think the significance is?

Do you hate muslims? And state why if yes or no?

I know many Muslims, and I do not hate them (well maybe a few but that is just because of who they are, not the fact that they are Muslim). I think people who do not really know any are very ignorant about the religion. No American-Muslim that I know of beats their children as one poster stated.

I need help with this math question?

esther drove to work in the morning at an average speed of 45 miles per hour. She returned home in the evening along the same route and averaged 30 miles per hour. If esther spent a total of one hour commuting to and from work, how many miles did Esther drive to work in the morning?

Does anyone know of a editing program to add in subliminal messages?

For a psych project I want to test the threshold of peoples abilities to see subliminal messages and if seeing one but not realizing it will trigger different emotions or feelings. I'm looking for a program to simply edit in either a message or one to create a flash animation that I can place a small word or image into that will appear and disappear very quickly. As I am terrible when it comes to computers a simple one would be preferred.

What would you do in such a situation?

Oh a tad messy. Depends how badly you want your rent paid and how much you have to lose when you get divorced. Do they come in with the same asset level you do?

Is subliminal advertising a good marketing strategy?

Well, it is technically illegal in most places and studies have had varied results on its effectiveness. Honestly the money would be better spent having a good advertising agency whip up a catchy slogan. Everyone remembers the Budweiser frogs and the creepy new incarnation of the Burger King.

Broke up, are these good reasons?

You're 25 why was his family up in your business. He sounds like a bit of a jerk not compromising for you and not being happy even though he gets what he wants.

What law in particular deals with subliminal advertising in Canada?

I am trying to find a law that references it but just get random articles that I'm not interested in. Whether it be subliminal advertising or messages for media content. On Canadian tv or even radio.

How should I tell my parents I'm interested in learning Swedish?

i dont think thats wierd at all, i feel the same way about egypt, but i think you should tell you parents , all you have to say is how interested youve been and prove to them its worth it and youd learn from it, , it that doesnt word then you can try to learn about it as much as you can online, as you have been , i hope your parents let you learn it , it would be a cool thing to learn (:, good luck!

Stuck in between two guys?

You are too young to think about spending the rest of your life with a man. Look at the statistics - relationships of people under 18 years old almost never last. You will date many guys in your life - Don't get too serious about boys right now. You should be worried about school, college, sports, friends, movies, etc. I'm not trying to sound like your mother, but it sounds like you may need some motherly advice. You are at a critical stage in your life as to where it will go. Dont ruin your life by worrying over boys too much. I know its hard but try to focus more on friends and school work. You will NEVER regret not dating someone at your age. If I were you, I wouldn't have a boyfriend and I would have both of them as my friend. I hope you find the answers your looking for. You sould like your going through some emotional problems - have you talked to your mom, dad, grandma, etc.? Let me know if I can give you can more advice. Also, be smart about sex and pregnancy - too many girls your age are ending up pregnant and then your life will be 10 times harder, trust me, it happened to me.

Subliminal experts i need help?

i downloaded this subliminal mp3 to try and ease my anxiety a little. i figure its worth a shot. but i dont want to listen to it over and over if it isnt saying anything or isnt saying the right things, anyone wanna see what its saying for me.? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is the band MGMT evil?

I'm answering this again, just becuz. Yes they are evil. They have tried to steal my candy once. And they said a bad word. Evil stuff. Also recently I heard they're pairing with Dr. Evil to rule the world and make everyone wear headbands and change their name to Applesauce

If you watch closely Katty Perry's ET video,on youtube's VEVO,some subliminal messages appear.What do u think?

I saw on a software some horses who were procreating,a sheep,some monkeys doing the same thing as the horses.What is that?I read something about the music industry being controled by Iluminati and they worship a god named Baphomet,who has the head of a goat.And someone made a study in rihana's umbrella video and found the same thing,in a subliminal message.Please tell me it's just their imagination and also mine...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Buying a house with poor credit, but 20% down and 3 years + work history?

It's going to come down to how recent was your poor credit. If you still have past due bills on your record, you need to bring them up to date and then make payments on time to rebuild a positive history. If the bad credit was 1 or 2 years in the past and you have been rebuilding your credit by paying things on time, you may have a decent chance, given the down payment and recent positive history. If Kroger offers membership in a credit union to its employees, that may be the place to start.

If a guy is 19 and has never had a girlfriend before, do you think he can still date many women later on?

Yeah, I have a friend who is 19 and never had a girlfriend. Girls like him, he's just never liked those girls back and there's nothing wrong with that. I would probably not have dated anybody at your high school either, and even I didn't date any girls until I was 18.

Are motorbikes designed to do 100 miles a day to work?

Just like car manufacturers, you will not find a motorcycle manufacturer telling how great your vehicle is good for day to day driving. Any standard or cruiser will do just fine. With 25,000 miles per year you will probably consider turning to dark side, uses tire tires.

Why Does He Treat Me Like This? 10 Points?

Yeah because he has not interest in you and may like another, so just get him out of your head and be stress-free

How do I make friends in college?

I'm about to start my sophomore year. I'm REALLY shy. I also have a son so I commute to the huge university. I haven't made any friends yet. How can I make friends?

Portable complex carbohydrates?

Um, I have some ideas for mixed protein/carbohydrate options. Greek yogurt with frozen wild blueberries on top (they thaw out), Almond butter and reduced sugar jam (not sugar free) on high protein whole grain bread, grapes, black beans and brown rice with salsa on top and maybe even some tortilla chips. Berries.

I am almost going to be 19 and have never had a girlfriend before, how to deal with this minor depression?

You have time lord,,,dont rush,,,,enjoy life and makes your dreams real first,,...get a good job,,,study,,,,do what you like first ,,,,when you become independent,,,you will find somewhere else to live and an other life,,,you will see that along the way that person that was meant for you will appear when you least accept someone remember is not easy,,they can be the wrong person,...and your heart might get habe hope and just live life at your best and all the good things will come later,,you,ll see.

Do subliminal messages really work?

Subliminal means is hidden. Your conscious self doesn't realize that it's there but your subconscious part of the brain does realize it does work cuz you are reading whatever the message is usually--"sex"...but you don't realize you are reading it...or whatever.

Should I attend UCI FEMBA or USC.PM MBA program?

I was recently accepted to both programs and only have about a week to decide. I've wanted to go to USC for such a long time but my acceptance to UCI came about 2 months earlier and I've grown quite fond of the school. The UCI staff is very friendly and personable. They all know me on a first name basis. Class size is smaller. Commute is shorter. Course load is lighter ( 2 classes per quarter compared to 3 classes at USC And also UCI has summers off). Tuition is $20k cheaper at UCI. UCI seems to have a good amount of resources for my industry interests. USC of course has a better reputation and a stronger network. Basically my mind is set on UCI and my heart on USC. What should I do?

What are the best valued bikes on this site?

You want somebody to do all the work for you, look through all the listings and recommend a bike. Guess what? by the time somebody goes through all those listings and recommends something good, then responds to your question and you get the answer it will be too late. The good stuff at good prices goes fast. You have to take the time to inform yourself about what constitutes a good bike, at a good price. You have to know enough to take action quickly when you see a bargain. You have to know which bike on the list will fit you. If you rely on others, you might end up buying something that won't be any good for you. As things stand, you don't know enough to figure out if the answers you get are accurate

Girls do you think she likes me?

This gets asked a lot, but thanks for your help. So I like this girl and she is in one of my classes, but I dont get to sit near her at all, so I don't get to talk to her. Only at the end I get to but for two minutes. So one day I said something nice to her, I dont remember what, but it was good enough for her to say awwww and smile. And another day we got to work in groups and i was in her group and when we had to go back to our normal seats, she said i'll miss you. I try to not think this means anything, but since I do like her I'm hopefull, so thats why im asking this. Or what can I do to help me find out if she likes me? Like subliminal things, thanks.

I got 2 job offers at the same time?

A LOT of people would love to be in YOUR situation, in this economy! If you're sure company A offers longevity as well, I'd go with them. They seem more together, and the chance for growth is really important. Good luck!

How long should my puppy be borded?

No they don't, I boarded mine for 3 weeks when I went to Europe and came back to a dog very happy to see me... They don't forget

PLEASE HELP!!! Question about the latest South Park episode. "You're Getting Old."?

It was sad! I love south park, not just because it's funny but because of the subliminal messages they convey. In this one Stan's growing up and everything is starting to feel, look, taste, and smell like ****. Obviously this is just like really growing up where you you start to think back (once you're older and have more tangible memories) about how much fun you had as a kid and you wish things were different and more exciting. My question to you is how do you think this will get resolved in south park and what do you think the lesson will be? My guess is that things aren't exciting when you get older because you have more of a routine. So although it may appear like you have less freedom as an adult; you actually just have to try new and different things. Like Randy was in the episode regardless of his age. Anyway my real question, is just I want to know what you all think about this? If you haven't seen the episode and want to you can watch it free right here on the official site: a href="…" rel="nofollow"…/a Just please remember to come back and tell me your thoughts please. I thought the episode was funny and dark, a great combination, and also with a very deep message about being happy in all walks of life. Also a lot of people are saying that this is going to be the end of south park, but honestly it's the middle of the season and this shouldn't take 8 episodes to resolve. I really don't think it will end, especially since it's been getting really good recently. But (again) I want your opinions.

OMG..!!Why can't I get a freking Maryland?

I have applied for like 30+ jobs and out of that I got only 3 interviews and got rejected by all 3 of them. When I ask them why I got rejected they say that its because I will be going to school in fall and they are looking for someone to do the job as a career. i mean WTF??? Im 25 and don't live in dorms, I commute from my house to school so its not a problem for me to go to work while schooling...Im really frustrated about this...I dont know what to do??...I don't know what im doing wrong in the interview. I have confident in my self ..I go to the interview and come out feeling good that I didn't **** up the interview...and after about a week i get an email saying that they moved on with another applicant...and I also do have prior work experience to the relevant field which i applied......

So how much trouble...?

Nothing. They'll just pick you up and take back to your parent's home.. If you keep this up you 'll be getting your friend's parents in trouble.

What i need to get/need before i buy a horse...?

Basically, my dad said that i need to prove to him that i will commute to getting a horse and like show him that i would be preaperd to getting a horse... money is the big thing he thinks it will cost wayy to much true but ive said i will get a job ... ive been riding since i was 2. basically all im asking is for you to give me ideas on what i need to like get and what i need to find like farriers etc. also what i can do to persuade him. thankyouu :)

Advice with buying a Ford focus car?

I am interested in buying the new 2011 Ford Focus diesel. The problem is I do mainly urban driving with speeds of no more than 40 mph when not at work. I have a 30 minute commute to work 5 days a week with 7 miles of this being 30-40 mph driving and 3 miles of motorway driving. Occasionally I do more than 6 miles of motorway driving depending on work location. My main concern is the DPF regeneration. Is the DPF actively or passively regenerated on the Ford Focus 2011? I know there is a petrol version but the tax is �115 compared to about �20-�30 for a diesel. Would I be better of getting a petrol?

My parents are kind of sexist?

As much as I'd hate to suggest it- you should schedule to see a family therapist. They are good at convincing parents at what they need to do and such. And it's quite obvious that you need more freedom.

Which is better for me to use to commute to work?

For wet weather you wear a rain coat, rain hat and goggles. Sounds like you need the tricycle. Also realize these things sometimes crap out if it is raining.

Excuses for not going to a party?

ok there is this girl who used to be my best friend but then she turned really nasty. Anyway basicly now she acts like i am not there but she has invited me to her party (probably because her mum made her) and last party was terrible, i had no one to speak to and everyone just blanked me so i really don't want to go. I can't just say i am not comming so can you think of any good excuses.

Help with my crazed for boyz friend?

lets make a very long story short. my friend (girl) she likes one of my friends (boy) she got all ticked off when i went to a cookout with him. like i said, he is one of my really good friends. she said how would you feel if i "hung" out with ~blank~ i not telling~ and went to a 'grill out' with him i left. what do i do now? she has dated many boys fyi

Girls, Is She Just Crazy Or What?

well i don't think you should do it because then your other friends might get mad at you and stop being friends with you. its not really a good idea as you will loose your friends, over a girl. just tell your friend thats a girl to trick them with another guy. i advice you not to do it

Is a good way to prevent rebellion in White Socialism without deaths like Hitler and Stalin did?

Racism is an abominition to the Creator who made humans in His image. Repent of your racial idolatry.

Should i take algebra II online ?

I am a flvs student and i take geometry online and im doing great, should i take algebra II online as well because in school for some reason i can never understand because im ALWAYS talking to someone or someones ALWAYS talkin to me and i never fully understand the work. i know it while im in class then when i get home my mind goes blank.

How can I use a subliminal message in speech?

As in talking to someone face to face or whatever. I just really want to try it and see if I can do it. I am just curious... :/

Second chapter of my novel?

I didn't read your first chapter, but if you really want to publish a series of chapters, you should go on online websites lke booksie....I think.

Advice for new touring/commuting bike?

i have 1000$ max to spend. building a bike up is also an option (if funds are there for it) but i've been looking at either the raleigh port townsend or the surly crosscheck. any opinions? or personal experience as to which is better? thank you.

Opinions on short story I wrote?

slip outside that story for a while, the spirit surronding us is more similar to cannibal and crazed reclaimer off all, than lover.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What happens longterm if you just quit having negative feelings?

"Blanking" people is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Why should you respond to people who are attacking you? You might say it's a variation on turning the other cheek. Behavioral psychologists have a term for this - extinction. If you simply fail to respond to taunts, gibes and ridicule the offending party will eventually give up, but it make take some patience - some attackers are very persistent. You may need to calmly walk away sometimes.

Call of duty Black ops zombies glitches?

Sometimes (well most of the time) on Zombies i'll be on and the sound will be out of time for example if we get max ammo or insta kill then it will not say "insta kill" and later on in the game it will play them all at once and sometimes when i buy a second gun it doesn't show up but does to other people? and after a game it's on a blank screen for about 1 minute instead of going onto that movie thingy it's very hard to play like this any idea why this is happening?

What are some good sources on subliminal messages/advertising?

I have to have 6 sourcecards and 25 notecards by tom. and i have 2 source and 5 note. ha i need sources that are packed with info

Red Vertical Lines on Computer Screen?

Hello everyone, Well recently (well today) my computer was left on overnight and I wake up today with a blank black screen So I took out the battery from my laptop because there was no way to shut it off (bad I know) well I came back today home and turned on my laptop only to get vertical red lines on my screen. I turned my laptop off again and turned again and went into safe mode where there was nothing I knew what to do, Then I restarted my computer and I was met with the Blue Screen of death so I go back into safe mode where I'm typing this, when I turn on my computer I get my Vaio message... then instantly I get 3 red stripes going vertical... and I can only boot into safe mode because If I go regular mode, I'm either met by a blank screen or by a BSOD (Blue screen of death... My laptop is a Sony Vaio VGN-FW490 and here's an example of the vertical lines heres the picture

Why won't Roxio detect DVDR?

I just got a brand new Dell Latitude last week. I copied a DVD to a disc image file and tried to burn the disc image. I've tried 3 different DVD brands and every time it's the same thing: the disk drive shows that there is a blank DVD in the drive, but when I go to burn the file, it asks me to insert a blank DVD. These DVDs are brand new! Does anyone have any suggestions?

My 2 sisters team up and leave me out, can I do what they do to me?

They are just jealous of you . You , enjoy your life to the fullest , engaged yourself with interesting things and own an interesting life so they would be jealous and when they tried to come in and join you, disallow them.

Where can i find free subliminal mp3' of all categories?

subliminal mp3's like motivation boost,and to know yourselves better and especially overcoming depression

Did you ever read Lolita, and how has it affected you?

Yes I've read it and no it didn't affect me or change me in any way. But if that is what it has done to you and you are seriously interested in young girls then I suggest you get yourself some help before it gets out of hand!

Jehovah Witnesses and images?

My friends daughter made me a painting with an ink blot that looks like a devil head does that mean she is evil oh and she was 4 when she made it

My mind just blanked... what are these called?

You got it! It IS a leotard. Bustiers are also similar to leotards but it ends at the waist and it has a built-in pushup bra.

I have some apprehensions about a possible red light camera to ticket?

Ok so about 12 days ago I ran a red light. Of course, its one of only a handful of intersections in my city (Tucson, Arizona) to have cameras installed. I don't even have my license, but I have to drive to school, and in my defense there was a car really close behind me and it was a short yellow, if I thought I had a chance to safely stop I would have. But anyway, I'm almost positive I wasn't fully in the intersection when the light changed, but I never saw a flash. Since I commuted to try and catch the light, I was most certainly speeding as well. And its been almost two weeks to the day. The truck I was driving is in my moms name, so they'll have to compare a picture of me to a picture of a female, so I'm not sure what that means. I've done a little bit of searching and found that I never even have to respond since the ticket won't be personally served, but then if they decide to actual serve me I'm screwed. And also, can my mom just say it was her? She got a ticket 2 or 3 years ago and went to traffic school so I'm not sure if she's eligible. I know I screwed up and wasn't a responsible driver and all that, for lack of a better term I've been shitting myself for since that morning.

Has anyone noticed the simphsons has end of world subliminal messages?

Such as when Maggie shot Mr.Burns,and their movie.Also Freemason sublimal messages.People look up I'n YouTube The simpshons subliminal messages then answer my question

What are some good companies that will loan me money in the LA area if I have sort of bad credit?

I bought a laptop for a friend who I have known for about 6 years. They were making my payments on time until they got ill and could no longer work and that sort of ruined my credit a bit. I could not borrow any money to pay this off because I have a loan of my own for school. And I really need a car since I cannot afford an apartment anymore for commuting. What are some potential lenders in the Los Angeles, CA area that will make me a loan anywhere from $7,000 to $10,000 to be able to find a reliable used car. Please help.

Can I take out a private student loan for an apartment?

My school is about 45 minutes (about an hour with traffic) drive from my house. The campus has no on campus housing and last year (my first year) I just commuted everyday. I really wanna try living on my own because..well, it's college. I have been looking at apartments and me and my brother were supposed to get one together. He bailed out on me tonight (I understand though) because of money. I don't really make enough money to help with my apartment problem and staying at home has really affected my grades because of problems going on around the house. This will only be a one year thing because I am planning on switching campuses next year..but would I be able to take out a private student loan for my apartment and have one of my parents as a co-signer?

How can I put a subliminal message into a video?

I'm doing a presentation on how subliminal messages work and I was planning on playing a short film with a flash subliminal message in it. I've got the film but I don't know how to put the frame in it, can anyone help?

Why do my phone screen goes blank one minute after turning on the phone?

i am having a sony Ericsson c 902 phone.When I turn on the phone the display is ok.After approx 1 min it goes of black.then i hav to restart the phone to see the screen. Menawhile if i am doing some thing like typing sms or anything with the phone ,display is there .if i am turning on the game ,phone will not go blank.If its kept Idle,it goes blank.why its so?

Do subliminal audio messages and subliminal messages work?

Yeah, definitely. Have you ever watch Derren Brown? He uses subliminal audio messages all the time and you can see them work. He slips the odd word into a conversation to put in your subconscious thought process. Subliminal messaging in advertising is very common. You would be watching something and a flash of a bottle of coca-cola would pop up. There are whole departments in some psychology universities that specialise in just that as well. Not to mention that there have been studies done what prove subliminal messaging works. I'll include a very interesting video explaining and illustrating this. It's only about 6 minutes long.

Are CSU colleges even worth dorming at?

Here's the thing, my parents are going to pay for my college edu. and so they want me to go to Fresno State (a college really close by) and commute. However, I want experience college in a dorm and away from home, but dorming is much more expensive. Do you think it's illogical(or exhorbitant) to go to another CSU and dorm even though there is CSU close where I live?


trust me your not ugly no one is ugly because there's no such thing as being beautiful it's a myth and the famous thing.... Idrk I'm not famous so I can't help but seriously don't get depressed because of some bastards not seeing your inner beauty

Whats a good chat up line?

I like this girl at work. But don't know what to say to her. We never spoken properly because she works as a waitress in the restaurant and is always rushing around. When i pay at the till she always gives me an unusual shy like smile. But all i can do is smile back because i go blank and dont know what to say. Any advice and good lines to start with? Thanks :)

Why do many Christians (mainly on the internet) call anything that they can't understand a sin or satanic?

I wouldn't limit this to just christians. But yes, I think the ones that claim all this is satanic, need to remember that they are not here to judge, or play mind police. We all answer for our own actions.

18 month old biting for no reason. Child is unprovoked, not out of frustration, anger, excitement. Nothing!?

I am a childcare worker of 10 years. In all my experience, I've never had an issue continue like this. I've tried every trick I know... and nothing works with this child. If someone comes within a foot of him- he grabs the child and bites them. When we tell him "NO" (VERY firmly), he has no reaction whatsoever. He is blank and does not respond to any type of reprimanding. The parents of the children who are being bit are angry. I'm angry because it looks like I can't do my job. I have no more advice to offer his mother. I've tried it ALL. Now what do I do?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What tires should I get?

I'd have to say the retro tire the middle one on ur chart because it should work for trails and the road. the others would do just good on road:) have fun

Disney Subliminal Messages: Beauty and the Beast !?

In Aladdin when genie is a bee and whispering what Aladdin should say he says "TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES" AND AT THE END OF THE ORIGINAL LITTLE MERMAID ON VHS IN THE CLOUDS IT SAYS "****"

Should I live on campus or commute?

I really want to live on campus but I don't think I can afford it. I don't mind taking out the loans for my undergraduate expense but after I receive my bachelors I would like to go to Optometry school which is another whole set of expenses. I'm not sure what to do because I really want the experience of living on campus???

What is this called (very strange)?

Spacing out? Lol that's what I call it. I do that too. But at the same time, I can walk into a room and forget why I'm there...not dozing off. xD

Why are my photos blank (Windows Vista)?

I just imported some photos onto my computer today. I could see the photos fine. Then I proceeded to edit my photos in Microsoft Office Picture Manager. I was also running a Norton 360 scan at the same time. When my Norton scan ended, some of my photos were showing up blank/white. I closed Picture Manager without saving and went to see if my photo thumbnails were showing up in my Photos folder. They were still blank so I restarted my computer in hopes of it fixing itself. When my computer restarted, the photos were still coming up blank. I really need these photos and would like to recover them. The files are still there, they just look like I took a picture of a white abyss. My Norton 360 scan cleaned up Windows Temporary Files, and I believe this may have to do with why my photos messed up. Please help.

Commute from Corona, California to Los Angeles & San Diego, CA?

Corona to downtown LA is about 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on traffic. Corona to San Diego is about 2 hours.

Car problem.......................…

my car has not been able to start 3 times this week because of the battery dying. i had the battery checked and was told there was nothing wrong with it, the wires are not loose, and the alternator is fine according to a mechanic. supposedly nothing abnormal could be found, and the mechanic would have to be there next time the battery dies to further analyze the situation. because at this point he can not find anything to fix. i commute very much, it is becoming extremely burdensome, any opinions/suggestions? thanks

Could you help with ideas for cars to consider?

I am 19 years old and will be getting around $12,000 dollars next year about this time of year. I am thinking about getting a barely used car --- one that has been driven off the lot but not ruined yet. =) I am very fond of not original styled cars. I like the outback shape. I also am kind of interested in smart cars. I commute about 45 minutes one way about 4 times a week so I am looking for something that is fuel efficient. I also love to kayak so something that can carry one or two these on the top would be nice as well. Please help me. =)

Is it normal to not like taking initiative in asking people to hang out?

You sound kind of insecure. If you want to hang out with friends then just ask them. That so what they are for. If you guys have a good time together then there isn't really any reason your friends will not want to hang out. What's better? Losing friends because your too scared to ask or losing friends that find that they don't like you but getting closer to people that really do. I kind of do the same thing though so I understand. Just make it a goal to ask one friend to hang out at least once a week. That sound help you.

My friend wants to get down to!!?

My friend is currently about 155 pounds and wants to weigh 110. She works out to insanity and billy blanks jr..she lost about 50 pounds but not from doing those workouts..from not eating previously...she has loose skin on her stomach and alittle on her can she tighten the skin on her belly? Is there any creams that are proven to work? Also what exercises or workout programs do you guys recommend that will make her lose weight? She likes military workout programs..but cannot afford to go to a gym..Any help is greatly appreciated thanks. She's about 5'7 and wants to model..thats why she wants to get this thin by the way.

Poll: I hate you people...............?

Because of the constant subliminal pizza messages here, I am now stuffing my face with pizza. If I become morbidly obese, it's your fault!!!

My ex is ruining my character..?

My ex cheated on me and we broke up months ago.. I tried to be friends but I just couldn't trust or forgive her. Because of that, bad words were said. I called her an insecure, selfish jerk. We just stop talking. I keep getting subliminal messages from her. How bad I screwed up and how I supposedly hate her which I don't. Just totally making the cheating part my fault. I don't know why since everything was good and we wanted to take the next level.. Until she ran off for a week and cheated. Now she'll telling people it was all my fault. It's been months and she's says she's over it but never shut up about it and tellthe truth. What the hell is wrong with her? Will she ever stop?

Can I keep the stamped pages of my US Passport when I renew it?

I have to send in my expired passport with the renewal application. I don't want to loose the stamped pages since it represents a lot of my life over the past ten years. Also, I recently heard something like your US Passport should always have at least two blank pages in order to be considered valid. Any ideas on either of these two issues?

Red Vertical Lines on Computer Screen?

Your PC is fried - forget about it. One of the big issues with Vaio is if they break, they are too expensive to repair. Save yourself time and money and get another laptop.

Which bike is the best value?

Bike #1 looks ok for the money if that is a knobby tire on the back you want to change it. Can't tell what is on the front but if it's a knobby you want to change that also. Not having shocks is a plus. With road tires on it it will made a decent commuter.

How do I switch my ps3 back so it displays in standard definition?

I switched the settings so itd play in hd. But I had to switch it back to a non hd tv and it's just a blank screen and I can't figure out how to switch it back.

Anyone else concerned about the new Captain America movie?

There's a new CA movie coming out which can be a good movie if done right. But part of me is concerned that this movie will be some cheesy propaganda film. I understand that Captain America comics were created and bases off of propaganda centered around him fighting Nazis and Communists. But as a movie, I want the story to be told while keeping that subliminal message shiit kept to a minimum. All I want is an entertaining movie, nothing more nothing less.

Is this normal??? 10 points? ?

I get really freaked out when I hear songs backward I get chills and my stomach starts to hurt? I love music by the way so I don't know why hearing it backwards scares me so much also subliminal messages freak me out to I found them interesting then I stared researching them a little and then for some reason I randomly got scared of them? Sorry for the long question thanks! :)

Subliminal Disney cartoons?

i just would like to know why are there subliminal messages in Disney cartoons and is there a good explanation for these cruel messages?

I would just like to know if I buy a gasoline trike then is it compulsory to have a license to ride this?

what brand of three wheeler are you asking about. in some states you do not need the motorcycle endorsement to ride a three wheeler. you did not say what state that you live in that would help. your best bet is to call your local DMV and ask them.

Why do i get goose bumps hearing songs in reverse and is this common?

I was hearing subliminal messages in popular music through youtube and i get goose bumps like crazy when i hear tracks that have words in reverse. Psychologically speaking the subliminal message with the reversed music in the background gives me an eerie feeling.

Do you think there is secret messages all around us that lead to the future?

Do you think such masonry's created secret messages and codes that only few could figure out to tell them a message in the present? I know masonry's created weird symbols and things alike, all I'm saying is do you think they did? I already know they were entitled to create symbols upon their beliefs. I just want others opinions I wrote this very brief so it may sound unintellectual with most facts wrong. That's not the point of this question though I could make all the facts right if I took the time and make it more corresponding to the historical meaning behind it, but I'm not going to establish such a post. All I want from this is others opinion upon the subject of subliminal messages, and the creation beyond buildings, streets, symbols etc...

Bad skin and bags under my eyes?

it could be a vitamin deficiency; a blood test from your doctor will tell you. if not, then the capillaries under your eyelids broke and the blood pooled under your skin. for reducing puffiness, you can chill spoons in your freezer for about 10-20 mins then hold them under your eyes. i would follow up with a good concealer and possibly an under eye brightener which has a slight shimmer. as for your back, the only thing that comes to mind is switching your bodywash to one that helps your acne. if youre skin is oily, id go with one that has silica in it to absorb the oil. also to treat the acne you could use a medicated one with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, such as proactiv, acne free, skin id, etc. also keep in mind that alcohol dehydrates your skin, so the day after you party, you need to rehydrate =] good luck

In my profile, where is Blank no picture. i need to put my picture in that spot , The one with the fur Hat on?

I want that one picture up untill i get my new computer, then i can take pictures that will go on computer Can you help me??? I have been having trouble with my files . every since i was taken off.

Where can i buy blank shirts (non collar)?

Walmart or any other stores like that tend to have a decent selection of blank shirts in different colors. Pretty cheap and if your looking for a normal plain t-shirt there is no reason to spend a lot of money

Twitter block questions...?

I think she will still be able to see your tweets if they retweet your tweets, but I don't think she can still see your profile.

Why won't work??? RECOMMENDATIONS?

I was watching a drama and it was on used to work for me but now it doesn't, for some odd reason. i load it, then the ad plays, then it's blank. what's wrong with it? is it like broken? and if you know, please recommend me to a website that has kimi hannin janai yo ne? (aren't you a criminal?) its the drama i'm trying to watch. and if you can, please recommend sites that aren't using

Why do some people do not believe I'n UFO?

We are the UFO . It just hasn't been released to the public so for right now it's unidentified it's not aliens .

Hit by an 18 wheeler. Should I get a lawyer?

Hello, my mother was hit by an 18 wheeler yesterday on her commute to work. She has 4 broken ribs and is bruised and cut up pretty bad. Within two hours of being in the hospital, tax adjusters from the drivers insurance company came by to talk to her in her intensive care room. Im not really sure what they said because I wasn't there yet, but it really gets me nervous they responded so quickly. Just wondering if anyone has ever been in similar situations, and if we should get an attorney or just take whatever his insurance company offers. She was hit from behind and it was the drivers fault as well, thanks for any advice.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

USB Mic won't work with Virtual DJ Pro...?

Alright, so I have a Samson C01U USB microphone and I use it all the time. It is set as my default mic and what not but when I go into Virtual DJ and record, the spot where I talk is blank and the part where I put the music is there. I do not get it. My input is set to Mic and my output is set to headphone and speaker. Help please! Thanks! :)

What company has the best commercials?

I'm not a dodge person but I have to admit those ram truck commercials are so good. They really just suck me in. I don't even have to be watching, just listening on the radio and I begin telling myself "God I really need to get myself a dodge..." o.0 Subliminal messaging anyone...

Can anyone help me, please?

Before I ask this question, please no body judge. If you guys wanna say negative things, find somewhere else to say them please. I'm 17 years old...18 in 5 months. For quite some time now I have been having this strong, strong desire to have a baby. Ever since I was about 15. Now, I've been choosing to do the responsible thing and wait until I'm older and more capable, but it seems like I just can't wait anymore. I have been with the same guy for 2 1/2 years. He's completely amazing, and a baby is also something he wants. We are both on the honor roll, we both are in the process of finishing up a new home for us to move into when we attend college next year, and we both are very mature. We do NOT go out, we do NOT party, smoke, etc. So for someone to tell us that having a baby ruins time to "go out" that really doesn't mean a thing to us. Also, we plan to commute back and forth to college, so we won't miss out on college life either. My mother owns and runs her own daycare, so that wouldn't be a problem for us to put our kid through daycare while we go to school, since it would be free. The baby wouldn't be born until after my senior year. And i'd be going on 19 years old. Same with my boyfriend. The baby would be born right before college and such. Is this a bad idea to have a kid at this age? I'm trying to wait, but seriously, I can't do it any longer. I have NO one to talk to about it either, besides my bofyriend, who wants a baby just as much as there any advantages and disadvantages you can tell me of having a baby at this age? i know it will be hard, but for some reason, that isn't enough to change my mind. thanks..

Eight hours wait, a computer in the corner...?

Your commute is halted as the roads are closed because of the weather, a factory allows you to use their canteen, there's a computer in the corner, it's connected to the company network but not the internet, plus there are no games loaded. Would you turn the computer on, and if you would, what would you do on it?

Printer won't print photos?

i have an HP photosmart c4280 and a lenovo t400 laptop. when i plug the memory card into the printer it prints the photos onto the HP photo paper but when i try to select the photos and print from my computer the paper just comes out blank and it sometimes it cuts off the pictures when i select from the printer directly. please help, thanks

What should I do about this?

I went on a date to the movies with the guy I like. The only thing is it was SO awkward. We're both really shy and when I got around him my mind went blank and I didn't know what to say. He was also really nervous, so we really didn't talk much. I don't want to stop dating him I just don't know what to do about please?

UK band involved in a US court case - Subliminal messages 80s?

The band was Judas Priest. Priest and CBS Records, were sued by the families of two young men who shot themselves. The families blamed the suicide and attempted suicide(one of the men lived) on what they believed were subliminal messages on the album "Stained Class". The incident happened in December of 1985. The case against Priest and CBS, was dismissed in 1990.

Ex fianc� kicked me out of home 3 weeks ago! What can I do?

My ex and I got into a huge fight and he was yelling for me to get out. He had a devilish look in his eyes so I packed a suit case and I left the apartment to go to my moms house two hours away. He and I tried resolving things through email and using his father as a middle man. Well three weeks later I still have not got any of my belongings. He said he put it in storage but won't say where. I have had to commute two hours to work an school and now he said I need to pay for the storage?! I'm running low of money bc Im going through my savings like water with toll fees and gas prices. I called police yesterday and they said I need to speak to domestic violence department but they were closed. I need help !!! What can I do? I didnt want to involve police!!! I still don't wanna but I'm suffering here! I lived in that home for nearly five years. He owns the apartment tho! And he is saying he is keeping my furniture! I bought it but with cash!!

How do I deal with depression caused by college admissions and me being at my current university?

It sounds like you might be in college for the wrong reasons. College is in the scheme of things a very short part of your life where you should be focused on bettering yourself for a career. Social life is not a priority despite what you might think. In ten years you will think to yourself why the heck did I worry about social stuff and not work as hard at just doing well? As it is, trying to form study groups with classmates, or ask some classmates out for coffee or a drink if you need social stimulus. Commuter or not there has to be some social events on campus, go to them, meet people. But honestly, just buck up kid, power through it, do well, and get a good job. The social stuff will come eventually, and it should never be such an issue to affect your studies, which the ONLY reason for going to college.

Studying chemistry at a liberal arts/psychology focused school?

Berkeley would be the better choice from a strictly academic standpoint, but it sounds like the 2 hour commute and high cost will not make it worthwhile for you. You should probably stay at Sonoma State. Just because the school is "liberal arts" does NOT mean that its science programs are sub-par in any way. Usually, the school will offer both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees; you would be in the latter category. While having the Berkeley name on your degree would certainly make you attractive to potential employers and grad schools, going to a more "average" state university will NOT doom you to a meager existence. There's nothing wrong with your local state school at all, so I think it's totally fine that you're going there after community college.

What to do With a Blank Notebook?

I have a really bad habit of getting notebooks, then having nothing to do in them. everytime I try to do something, i end up frustrated, and a trash can full of crumpled paper. I want to write, butI suck at please give me suggestions of EVERYTHING you can some up with. Thank you!

Still can't do the pokemon trade using NO$GBA =.=?

I've read many Q&A regarding the linking 2 no$gba thingy( but still can't get it problem is when i tried to open the 2nd machine,the 2nd pokemon game i tried to open will starts on the first machine and the second machine will remain blank.some videos in youtube shows how it is done but still,when i do exactly as told,the same problem im totally pissed since i cant evolve some of these pokemon require trade to evolve.FYI i play diamond,pearl and platinum..pls help me :((

What does this phrase mean in legal terms? ?

It simply means that your ex is counting on the court to decide when,where and how THEY deem fit for you to see your child.I don't know the circumstances,but,look out if what was said to the court was damning against you.In my opinion,no court should be left at the mercy of parental visitation unless abuse or drugs are involved.Good luck sweety...

Can I use a student loan to pay for off campus living, if the college doesn't offer housing?

The school I'm going to is a technical college and doesn't offer housing but they do have apartments right across from the school from rent. I have the option of staying home and commuting back and forth from school which is a no because what can I learn about Independence if I stay home so this is my only option. I just want to make sure that this is possible to rent the apartment while I'm in school.

I have a HP Photosmart C4680 printer and it recently started doing things on its own?

It keeps acting as if someone is hitting the buttons, and copying blank pages, and turning itself on and off. Any Ideas?

Will people bother you at college?

I'm going to college in the fall. I'm 19. I'm not going to party & act like a moron. I don't go to parties or drink or do drugs. I'm just going to go to my classes & then leave. I'm not going to get involved in the activities on campus. I thought about going to the weight room, but I already have a free private gym where I live. I'm commuting. Do people bother you while you're in college? Like if I just go to my classes & don't speak to anybody, will people bother me?

MP4 file cannot play.?

I have an mp4 file in system. Whenever it is played a blank screen appears and the system seems to get hanged. How should such mp4 files be played?

Is it worth commuting from Long Island into Manhattan....?

I just graduated from college and I might apply for a temp job at a law firm in the city....if I do, I would have to commute via mass transit and it would take me about 1hr and 40min....but they are only paying 12 dollars an hour (not cool) parents want to to do it, for networking and getting my foot in the door so to speak...what are your thoughts??

How do I say this is Spanish?

I want to take over the world. I shall start in the middle East where I shall steal a Donkey, I shall name him Donald, and he shall be my Donald and we shall take over the world house by house country by country together. Yes this is a subliminal message disguised as a non-subliminal. Can I please have a flight ticket and some carrots? Oh I do like to bath in jelly. How much will that be then?

Would i change if i keep listening to this subliminal mp3?

it can help to an extent but the only practical way youll see noticeable results is by real-life experience. you have to put yourself out there in new and unfamiliar situations whcih will increase your abilities and confidence.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Subliminal messages videos?

Some of my friends got me to watch a video showing subliminal messages in toy story, and at the end there was this really freaky image popped up and scared me. This isn't the first time that i've watched a video that ended like that, my question is why do videos that show subliminal messages have images of zombies/skulls/scary stuff at the end with a startling sound?

My wife used to have a sense of humor & loved pranks, yet recently got mad at me for it, why?

No I dnt think she lost her mind I think you did u should play like that you really scared her what if she did that to you? You would of start goin crazy to Mayb u should with the pranks if there fun or funny.

Do subliminal audio messages really work?

yes they do work but visual subliminal messages will work better since your subconscious mind thinks in pictures not words and there are plenty of studies that proof this

Is it time for me to come to realization that going to a top tier university is not in my future?

You're right, you might not get into those schools but in the end when you look for a job they will only see a degree and won't care where it was from

How often should a girlfriend see her boyfriend?

Well, my girlfriend and i usually hang out all day once or twice a week, she is like your boyfriend and makes plans with her friends, i'd like to see her 3 times a week but she lives about 30 minutes away so it's a little harder for us.

Having trouble adjusting to new living situation?

Although I've never been in your situation, i sympathize deeply with you for your miscarriage and this difficulty you seem to be in. I would advise that you stress to him just how important your career is and to try to make him see things from your point of view. once he can empathize with your situation you can decide together, which path your going to take. If you really love each other, which i have no doubt you do, then both of you will be willing to compromise in order to make each other happy. for example you could move out of the city but still close enough for you to get to work without having to travel too far, and as for his lack of help around the house, why not try and sort out a suitable time for him to play on the PS3 such as when your busy with work at home, or relaxing in the bath. so that his time doesn't intrude into time you should be spending together. Hope this helps in some way :) x

Are the rumors of Disney being anti semitic and subliminal messages true?

I have only heard rumors that Disney has excluded persons of color from being in many of their movies and amusement parks. That they tend to depict Caucasians as heros/heroines more than other races. And when they do show non Caucasians such as in the Princess and Frog, they show them as less beautiful, dealing with hoodoo or have them less educated or less inspirational. i.e. showing Caucasians living in castles and non Caucasians living in ghettos or swamps...

What area should my family and I move to in the DFW area?!?!?

We are looking to rent for a while before purchasing a home. We also have a one year old so a safe community with good daycares are on the top of our list...but we are also looking for a diverse area, not too far away from shopping/ civilization, and a good area that I can find a job in HR. We are moving from the Atlanta Metro area where weekday commute can be an hour plus.....not trying to do that again. Help!!! DFW is so big that I can't wrap my head around one particular area.

What is the point of subliminal messages in advertising and movies?

The point is to get you to crave the product. Like if you saw a juicy big mac for a second and didn't realize it, you might find yourself craving McDonalds and not realize why.

Do subliminal message cd's work?

Like if i was to make a cd with my friends favorite album and a subliminal message saying that they must walk there dog after school for 30 minutes would it make them do it?

The sims 3 glitch - one portrait on the side is empty?

On the green portraits on the side, one of them is blank. I can't find my sim or give it actions, but my other sim is there and just fine. Restarting didn't help. What can I do?


i have a blackberry curve 8520 i was on it ten minutes then the next ten minutes it had seemed to had "broken" it has a white blank screen when i try to turn it on and it wont do there anythhing i can do to make it work , i have only taken the battery and sim out ?? please help me please xx

Dreaming about things I want?

Well, its normal to dream something that you want, because that's mostly what dreams are, what we want, feel, etc. All you can do is talk to your parents and convince them to let you get a dog. Promise them that you will take care of him, and don't just say it to get it, and then not take care of it. Good luck! :)

Which is better for me to use to commute to work?

I cannot envision a bicycle with canopy and storage box. If those are required then you need a tricycle.

How to compromise on where we live?

You should try living for a time where he does, like a month or so and see if it grows on you. Then he should live where you do and maybe his eyes will open. But if one of you decides that your current location is a dealbreaker, I don't see how you can continue. One of you has to put your fixation on city / village aside in order to be with the other person but remember, nothing lasts forever. Hopefully your relationship will, but where you live is probably only temporary. If you had told me when I was in HS that I would move 14 times in my life, I would have laughed, but that's the truth, that was my life. Now once I did live with a guy I loved but he wouldn't budge off the beach, and my commute was too long so I left him. The fact he wouldn't compromise allowed me to see he was a douche in other ways as well. I don't think you have that problem, I think either you or your boyfriend will easily see that it's ok to give up where you currently live in order to be with the one you love.

Subliminal Disney cartoons?

i just would like to know why are there subliminal messages in Disney cartoons and is there a good explanation for these cruel messages?

What is Owls by Lewis Nordan About?

For English class, I had to read the story owls and take notes on the story it's themes and subliminal messages but I'm having hard understanding it. What is the story really about? And what did the sign really say?

How can i make some fast cash? ?

Ima 23yo plumber, I live on my own and between my rent, bills, commute to work and cost of living moneys pretty tight, I recently got a few tickets totaling close to $1000 bucks. I could use a few ideas on how to get some fast cash, any advice would be greatly appreciated. But if you have nothing useful to say please keep your stupid comments to yourself thanks

What do you see in the future of subliminal messaging?

no need for subtlety, they fool all the people allt he time, some of the people all the time, and a very few not at all.

Broke up with my boyfriend over Facebook?

This is your 5th time complaining about this. I'm surprised he hasn't dumped you because you are a class A nag.

Why wont my mp3 files play in Macromedia Flash 8?

Everytime I try to import one of my songs in flash 8 it will either make a new blank flash document with nothing in it or it will say "One or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them" most of the time my other songs will import or open, just not this time, what i can i do to stop this?

Why are there subliminal messages in childrens movies and in artists' music?

examples: walt disney's 666, sexual content in disney movies, lady gaga putting her hand in front of her eye to say he is inspired by the satan, nicki minag also putting her hand in front of her eye in the music video super bass, Rihanna being captured in a triangle dressed in white (which means being raped by the devil) in Umbrella music video, and in the S&M video princess of the illuminati appears quite often in the newspapers. I don't believe this but i feel i am forced to by all this proof, any reasons for whats the reasons for this?