Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How do I deal with depression caused by college admissions and me being at my current university?

It sounds like you might be in college for the wrong reasons. College is in the scheme of things a very short part of your life where you should be focused on bettering yourself for a career. Social life is not a priority despite what you might think. In ten years you will think to yourself why the heck did I worry about social stuff and not work as hard at just doing well? As it is, trying to form study groups with classmates, or ask some classmates out for coffee or a drink if you need social stimulus. Commuter or not there has to be some social events on campus, go to them, meet people. But honestly, just buck up kid, power through it, do well, and get a good job. The social stuff will come eventually, and it should never be such an issue to affect your studies, which the ONLY reason for going to college.

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