Monday, July 11, 2011

Islands of Adventure: WWOHP?

I will be going to the park on July 11th most likely...or the 12th depending on travel plans. I have never been to Universal Studios so I don't really know what I'm doing =). So I guess I am only gonna get a ticket for Island of Adventure b/c really what I want to see is the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. My question is what/how many rides are at the WWOHP? What the best and is there anything I should steer clear of? And what about the rest of that park, not including WWOHP? What other rides should I definately wait in line for? I know that I'm going to be there the week the movie comes out, so I'm guessing it might be crazy crowded (which I'm sure it is always anyway) I just wanna go in with a game plan so I don't come away thinking I wish I would have.....fill in the blank. Thanks for all who answer! =)

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